CFILM Podcast Episode 3! With Ben Sax!

This week, Scott Higgins sits down with Ben Sax, a Philosophy and Film major from the class of 2003. Ben Sax recently patented his invention Perceptoscope, an augmented reality device built to resemble an old coin-operated binocular.

Perceptoscope photo courtesy of Ben Sax’s website

Ben Sax envisions Perceptoscope as a way to connect us to the past of the device’s setting. Look through Perceptoscope at Gettysburg, for instance, and you can see a stereoscopic recreation of the Battle of Gettysburg. Sax envisions it as a device for connecting us less to events and more to physical space, however.

“What I’m interested in is the history of the built environment, and how cities come to be, and the things we lose in that process,” he tells Professor Higgins. Sax speaks about the development process of these sorts of projects, as well as how we can use augmented reality to tell stories. The convergence of old and new technology, as well as the narrative experimentation, fit Perceptoscope snugly within the pantheon of CFILM projects. And Scott Higgins calls it “steampunk!” As if you could want anything more!

You can learn more about Perceptoscope at

The CFILM Podcast! Episode 1! With Ed Decter!

With the launch of the CFILM blog comes the launch of the CFILM podcast! With no less than three alumni here to discuss life after Wesleyan! In this episode Allis Cronan (’17) and Kiley Rossetter (’17) interview director, screenwriter, producer, show-runner, and AFI professor Ed Decter (’79).

They also discuss the Wesleyan at AFI pilot program, happening this summer. The workshop, made possible by Professor Jeanine Basinger’s decade’s long relationship with the AFI, is open to CFILM graduates of 2017 and 2018. If you are interested in learning more, contact Scott Higgins, Director of C-Film:


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